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Goffstown School District Social Media Terms of Use

A. Foundations and Basic Commitments 

AA - School District Legal Status (Reviewed 02-23-2017)
AC - Non-Discrimination (Adopted 01-22-2024)
AC-R - Non- Discrimination Grievances (Adopted 01-22-2024)
ACAC - Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy and Grievance Process (Adopted 01-22-2024)
ACE - Procedural Safeguards: Non-Discrimination on the Basis of Handicap/Disability (01/08/2024)
AD - Philosophy of the Goffstown School District (Reviewed 11-13-2023)
ADA - School District Goals and Objectives (Adopted 05-23-2005)
AE - Accountability (Adopted 05-01-2006)
AEB - Recognition for Accomplishment (Adopted 04-03-2017)

 B. School Board Governance and Operations

BA - Evaluation of School Board Operational Procedures (Adopted 04-03-2006)
BA-R - Evaluation of School Board Operational Procedures (Adopted 04-03-2006)
BAAA - School Board Policies and Administrative Procedures (Reviewed 10-10-2016)
BB - School Board Legal Status (Adopted 08-23-2005)
BBA - School Board Powers and Duties (Adopted 09-09-2016)
BBAA - Board Member Authority (Adopted 08-22-2005)
BBBA - Board Member Qualifications (Adopted 12-10-2007)
BBBC - Board Member or District Officer Resignation (Adopted 08-22-2005)
BBBD - Board Member Removal From Office  (Adopted 12-10-2007)
BBBE - Unexpired Term Fulfillment (Adopted 08-22-2005)
BBBE-R - Unexpired Term Fulfillment (Adopted 08-22-2005)
BBBG - Board Elections  (Adopted 06-18-2012)
BCA - Ethics Policy Statement  (Adopted 05-06-2024)
BCB - Board Member Conflict of Interest  (Re-affirmed 11-01-2021)
BDA - Board Organizational Meeting (Adopted 03-07-2022)
BDB - Board Officers  (Reviewed 11-14-2016)
BDD - Board-Superintendent Relationship  (Adopted 08-22-2005)
BDD-R - Board-Superintendent Relation  (Adopted 08-22-2005)
BDE - Committees and Delegates (Adopted 03-07-2022)
BDEA - Organization of Board Committees (Adopted 08-22-2005)
BDF - Advisory Committees to the Board (Adopted 08-22-2005)
BDG - School Attorney (Adopted 08-22-2005)
BEA - Regular Board Meetings (Reviewed 05-11-2009)
BEAA - School Board Meeting Preparation (Adopted 05-01-2006)
BEAB - Use of Technology for Communication (Adopted 10-03-2005)
BEDB - Agenda Preparation and Dissemination (Adopted 12-10-2007)
BEDC - Quorum (Adopted 08-22-2005)
BEDD - Rules of Order (Adopted 08-22-2005)
BEDG - Minutes (Adopted 04-17-2017)
BEDG-R Access to Minutes and Public Records (Adopted 04-17-2017)
BEDH - Public Participation at Board Meetings (Adopted 11-07-2022)
BFD - Goffstown School Board Authorizations (Adopted 11-06-2023)
BFE - Administration in Policy Absence (Adopted 08-22-2005) 

BG - Board Policy Development (Adopted 08-22-2005)
BGA - Policy Development System (Adopted 06-02-2008)
BGB - Policy Adoption (Adopted 11-07-2016)
BGC - Policy Review and Evaluation-Manual Accuracy Check (Adopted 11-07-2016)
BGD - Board Review of Administrative Regulations (Reviewed 10-10-2016)
BGE - Policy Dissemination (Adopted 03-20-2023)
BHC - Board-Employee Communications (Adopted 08-22-2005)
BHD - Board Communication (Adopted 08-22-2005)
BHE - School Board Use of EMail (Adopted 04-20-2015)
BIA - New Board Member Orientation (Adopted 08-22-2005)
BIB - Board Member Development Opportunities (Adopted 08-22-2005)
BIBA - School Board Conferences, Conventions and Workshops (Adopted 08-22-2005)
BID - Payment for Services Rendered by School District Officer (Adopted 06-15-2009)
BIDA - Board Member Compensation Denial (Adopted 08-22-2005)
BIE - Board Member Indemnification (Adopted 08-22-2005)
BJ - School Board Legislative Program (Adopted 08-22-2005)
BK - School Board Memberships (Adopted 08-22-2005)
BKA - Liaison With School Board Associations (Adopted 08-22-2005)

C. General School Administration

CA - Administration Goals (Adopted 04-16-2012)
CB - School Superintendent (Adopted 04-16-2012)
CB-R - School Superintendent Duties (Reviewed 09-10-2012)
CBB - Appointment of Superintendent (Reviewed 03-12-2012)
CBF - Code of Ethics for Administrators (Adopted 05-21-2012)
CBI - Evaluation of the Superintendent (Adopted 12-09-2019)
CBI-R - Superintendent Evaluation Form (Adopted 12-09-2019)
CH - Policy Implementation (Adopted 04-16-2012)
CHA - Development of Regulations (Adopted 04-16-2012)
CHB - Board Review of Regulations (Reviewed 03-12-2012)
CHC - Regulations Communication (Reviewed 03-12-2012)
CHCA - Approval of Handbooks and Directives (Reviewed 03-12-2012)

D. Fiscal Management

DA - Fiscal Management Goals (Adopted 02-18-2019)
DAF - Administration of Federal Grant Funds (Adopted 11-04-2019)
DAF-1 - Determination of Allowable Costs (Adopted 11-04-2019)
DAF-2 - Cash Management and Fund Control (Adopted 11-04-2019)
DAF-3 - Procurement (Adopted 11-04-2019)

DAF-4 - Procurement Pertinent to Food Service Program (Adopted 11-04-2019)
DAF-5 - Conflict of Interest and Mandatory Disclosures (Adopted 11-04-2019)
DAF-6 - Federal Inventory Management Equipment and Supplies Purchased (11-04-2019) 
DAF-7 - Travel Reimbursement Federal Funds (Adopted 11-04-2019)
DAF-8 - Accountability and Certifications (Adopted 11-04-2019)
DAF-9 - Time-Effort Reporting/Overnight (Adopted 11-04-2019)
DAF-10 - Grant Budget Accountability and Reconciliation (Adopted 11-04-2019)
DAF-11 - Sub-Recipient Monitoring and Management (Adopted 11-02-2020)
DB - Annual Budget (Adopted 02-18-19) 
DBB - Fiscal Year (Reviewed 05-13-2019)
DBC - Budget Planning (Reviewed 05-13-2019)
DBD-GBEE-JJD - Online Fundraising and Solicitations-Crowdfunding (Adopted 04-15-2024)
DBF-DBG - Budget Hearings and Reviews - Adoption Procedures (Reviewed 05-13-2019)
DBI - Budget Implementation (Adopted 01-20-2020)
DBI-R - Fiscal Accounting and Reporting (Reviewed 05-13-2019)
DBJ - Transfer of Appropriations (Adopted 02-18-2019)
DC - Taxing and Borrowing Authority-Limitations (Reviewed 06-19-2019)
DD - Funding Proposals and Applications (Reviewed 05-13-2019)
DEA - Revenues From Local Tax Sources (Reviewed 11/04/2019)
DEB-DEC - Revenues From State and Federal Tax Sources (Adopted 11-04-2019)
DFA - Investment (Adopted 02-18-2019 - Re-affirmed 08-29-2022)
DFD - Gate Receipts and Admissions (Adopted 04-15-2024)
DG - Depository of Funds (Adopted 11-04-19)
DGA - Authorized Signatures (Adopted 04-15-2024) 
DH - Bonded Employees (Reviewed 09-23-2019)
DI - Fiscal Accounting and Reporting (Reviewed 09-23-2019)
DI-R - Fiscal Accounting and Reporting (Reviewed 09-23-2019)

DID - Fixed Assets (Adopted 04-15-2019)
DIE - Audits (Adopted 02-18-2019)
DIF-JJF - Student Activity Funds Management (Adopted 05-20-2019)
DIH - Fraud Prevention and Fiscal Management (Adopted 11-04-2019)
DJ - Purchasing (Adopted 11-04-2019)
DJB - Purchasing Procedures (Adopted 11-02-2021)
DJB-A - Purchase Procedures Credit Cards (Adopted 03-01-2021)
DJB-B Procurement Policy for Federal Funds (Adopted 03-18-2019)
DJC - Petty Cash Accounts (Adopted 03-07-2022)
DJC-R - Petty Cash Accounts (Adopted 03-07-2022)
DJE - Bidding Requirements (Adopted 11-04-2019)
DJF - Local Purchasing (Reviewed 09-23-2019)
DK - Payment Procedures (Adopted 04-15-2024)
DKA - Payroll Procedures (Adopted 11-04-2019)
DKC - Expense Reimbursements (Adopted 04-15-2024)
DL - Parent Teacher School Support Groups (Adopted 11-04-2019)
DM - Cash in School Buildings (Adopted 04-15-2024)
DN - Equipment and Supplies Sales (Adopted 11-04-2019)
DO - Fund Balance (Adopted 02-20-2023)

E. Support Services

EB - Workplace Safety Program and Joint Loss Management (Reviewed 11-06-2023)
EBBB - Accident Reports (Adopted 08-28-2023)
EBB - School Safety Program (Adopted 01/08/2024)
EBBD - Indoor Air Quality (Adopted 05-16-2022)
EBCA - Emergency Response (Adopted 06-06-2022)
EBCA-R - Emergency Plans (Adopted 06-06-2022)
EBCB - Fire Drills (Adopted 05-16-2022)
EBCC - Bomb Threats (Reviewed 02-11-2013)
EBCD - Emergency Closings (Adopted 03-18-2013)
EBCF - Pandemic-Epidemic Emergencies (Adopted 03-07-2022)
EBCF - R Pandemic/Epidemic Emergencies Information (Adopted 08-29-2022)
EBCG - Communicable and Infectious Diseases (Adopted 06-19-2023)
ECAF - Audio and Video Surveillance on School Buses (Adopted 11-20-2017)
EC - Buildings and Grounds Management (Adopted 06-06-2022)
ECA - Buildings and Grounds Security (Adopted 06-06-2022)
ECAB - Access to School Buildings (Adopted 03-20-2000)
ECAC - Vandalism (Adopted 03-20-2000)
ECB - Buildings and Grounds Maintenance (Adopted 03-20-2000)
ECB-R - Buildings and Grounds Maintenance (Adopted 03-20-2000)
ECBA - Repairs (Adopted 03-20-2000)
ECD - Custodial Services (Adopted 03-20-2000)
ECE - Traffic and Parking Controls (Adopted 06-06-2011)
EDB - Equipment and Supplies Management and Maintenance (Adopted 06-06-2022)
EDC - Authorized Use of School Owned Materials (Adopted 03-20-2000)
EDCA - Employee Use of Cellular Telephones (Reviewed 05-09-2016)
EDE - Recycling (Adopted 03-20-2000)
EEA - Student Transportation Services (Adopted 06-20-2022)
EEA-R Regulations Related to Student Transportation Services (Adopted 06-20-2022)
EEAA - Use of Audio and Video Systems (Adopted 12-19-2022)
EEAE - School Bus Safety Program (Adopted 06-18-2018)
EEAEA - Mandatory Drug and Alcohol Testing (Adopted 01-22-2007)
EEAEA-R - Drug and Alcohol Testing for School Bus and Commercial Vehicle Drivers (Adopted 01-22-2007)
EEAEC - Student Conduct on School Buses (Adopted 06-20-2022)
EEAEC-R - Student Conduct on School Buses (Adopted 06-20-2022)
EEAG - Use of Private Vehicles to Transport Students (Adopted 06-20-2022)
EEBA - School Owned Vehicles (Adopted 03-20-2000)
EEBC - Transportation for School Sponsored Events (Adopted 06-20-2022)
EF - Food Service Management (Adopted 02/20/2023)
EF-R - Student Meal Account Balances (Adopted 02-20-2023)
EFE - Vending Machines (Adopted 08/28/2023)
EG - District Communication Plan (Adopted 01-22-2024)
EGAD - Use of Copyrighted Material (Adopted 05-01-2006)
EH - Data Management (Adopted 06-19-2023)
EHAA - Computer Security Email and Internet Communications (04-01-2024)
EHAB - Data Governance (Adopted 03-18-2024)
EHAC - Electronic Digital Records and Signatures (Adopted 06-19-2023)
EHB - Data-Records Retention (Adopted 08-28-2023)
EHB-R Records Retention Schedule (Adopted 06-19-2023) 
EI - Risk Management (Adopted 06-20-2022)
EIA - Insurance Program (Adopted 06-20-2022)
EIB - Liability Insurance (Adopted 06-20-2022)

F. Facilities Planning and Development 

FA - Facilities Development Goals (Adopted 03-20-2000)
FB - Facilities Planning (Adopted 03-20-2000)
FBA - A Building Needs Committee (03-20-2000)
FBB - Enrollment Projections (Re-affirmed 11-07-2022)
FCB - Retirement of Facilities (Adopted 03-20-2000)
FD - Use of Capital Reserve Funds (Adopted 03-20-2000)
FE - Facilities Construction (Adopted 03-20-2000)
FEA - Educational Specifications (Adopted 03-20-2000)
FEH - Supervision of Construction (Adopted 03-20-2000)
FEJ - Project Administration and Supervision (Adopted 03-20-2000)
FF - Naming of School Facilities (Adopted 10-17-2005)
FF-R - Naming of Facilities (Adopted 10-17-2005)
FFA - Memorials (Adopted 03-20-2000)
FFB - Names on Buildings Plaques (Adopted 03-20-2000)
FI - Public Dedication (Adopted 03-20-2000)
FK - Leasing and Renting to Meet Expansion Needs (Adopted 03-20-2000)

G. Personnel

GA - Personnel Policies Goals (Adopted 05-01-2000)
GBA - Equal Opportunity Employment (Adopted 05-01-2000)
GBAA - Sexual Harassment and Violence - Employees (Reviewed 05-10-2021)
GBB - Employee Involvement in Decision-Making (Adopted 05-18-2009)
GBB-R - Teacher Involvement in Decision-Making (Adopted 03-07-2022)
GBCD - Background Investigation and Criminal Records Check (Adopted 04-20-2020)
GBCD-R Technical Assistance Advisory for Background Check (Adopted 04-20-2020)
GBD - Board-Employee Communications (Adopted 05-01-2000)
GBEF - Goffstown School District Networks and Internet Access for Staff (Adopted 06-05-2023)
GBEF-R - Internet Access for Staff - Acceptable Internet Use Procedures for Staff (Adopted 04-18-2024)
GBEF-F - Goffstown School District Networks and Internet Access for Staff Form (Adopted 06-05-2023)
GBEF-1 - Goffstown School District Intellectual Property Rights (Adopted 04-20-2020)
GBE - Employee Rights and Responsibilities (11-07-2022)
GBEA - Staff Ethics (Adopted 11-07-2022)
GBEAB - Mandatory Code of Conduct Reporting - All Employees (Adopted 01-22-2024)
GBEB - Staff Conduct (Adopted 11-07-2022)
GBEBA - Staff Dress Code (Adopted 01-22-2007)
GBEBB - Employee Student Relations (Adopted 12-19-2022)
GBEBC - Employee Gifts and Solicitations (Adopted 05-01-2000)
GBEC - Drug-Free Workplace Policy (Adopted 05-01-2000)
GBED - Tobacco Products Ban Use and Possession (Adopted 05-01-2000)
GBEE-DBD-JDD - Online Fundraising and Solicitations-Crowdfunding (Adopted 05-20-2019)
GBG - Employee Protection (Adopted 05-01-2000)
GBGA - Staff Health (Adopted 05-01-2000)
GBGAA - HIV-AIDS Policy (Adopted 12-10-2007)
GBGBA - Use of Automated External Defibrillators(Adopted 05-16-2022)
GBH - Staff Participation in Political Activities (Adopted 01-22-2007)
GBI - Staff Community Relations (Adopted 05-01-2000)
GBJ - Personnel Records (Adopted 05-01-2000)
GBK - Employee Complaints and Grievances (Adopted 05-01-2000)
GCA - Professional Staff Positions (Adopted 05-01-2000)
GCB - Professional Staff Contracts (Adopted 05-01-2000)
GCCAE - Professional Staff Visitations and Conferences (Adopted 05-01-2000)
GCCBC - Family and Medical Leaves (Adopted 04-20-2020)
GCEB - Administrative Staff Recruiting (Adopted 05-01-2000)
GCF - Professional Staff Hiring (Adopted 05-01-2000)
GCG - Substitute Staff Employment (Adopted 02-20-2023)
GCH - Professional Staff Orientation (Adopted 05-01-2000)
GCI - Professional Staff Development Opportunities (Adopted 05-01-2000)
GCID - Professional Activities of Teachers (Adopted 05-01-2000)
GCK - Professional Staff Assignments and Transfers (Adopted 05-01-2000)
GCM - Professional Staff Work Load (Adopted 05-01-2000)
GCNA - Supervision of Instructional Staff (Adopted 05-01-2000)
GCO - Evaluation of Professional Staff (Adopted 05-01-2000)
GCO-R - Evaluation of Professional Staff Regulations (Adopted 09-20-1999)
GCP - Professional Staff Promotion-Reclassification (Adopted 05-01-2000)
GCQC - Resignation of Instructional Staff Member (Adopted 05-01-2000)
GCQE - Retirement of Professional Staff Members (Adopted 05-01-2000)
GCR - Non-School Employment by Professional Staff Members (Adopted 05-01-2000)
GCRC - Professional Personnel Consulting (Adopted 05-01-2000)
GCRD - Tutoring For Pay (Adopted 05-01-2000)
GDCB - Other Protective Leaves (Adopted 04-20-2020)
GDF - Support Staff Hiring (Adopted 05-01-2000)
GDL - Work Load For Staff (Adopted 05-01-2000)
GDM - Support Staff Development Opportunities (Adopted 05-01-2000)
GDO - Evaluation of Support Staff (Adopted 05-01-2000)
GEA - Athletic Team Coaches (Adopted 02-18-2019)

H. Negotiations

HA - Negotiations (Reviewed 04-09-2012)
HP - Employee Job Actions (Adopted 05-21-2012)
HPA - Employee Job Actions-Unauthorized Employee Absences (Reviewed 04-09-2012)

I.  Instruction

IB - Academic Freedom (Adopted 05-15-2000)
IC - School Year (Adopted 05-01-2006)
ICA - School Calendar (Adopted 04-03-2006)
ID - School Day (Adopted 04-17-2000)
IF - Instructional Needs of Each Individual Student (Adopted 06-15-2015)
IGA - Curriculum Development (Adopted 04-03-2006)
IGD - Curriculum Adoption (Adopted 05-15-2000)
IGE - Parental Objections to Specific Course Material (Adopted 11-06-2023)
IGE -R Regulations (Adopted 11-06-2023)
IHA - Basic Instructional Program (Adopted 04-17-2000)
IHAE - Physical Education (Adopted 10-02-2000)
IHAH - World Languages Program (Adopted 06-16-2008)
IHAK - Citizenship Education (Adopted 03-16-2009) Reviewed 05-11-2015
IHAM - Health Education and Exemption From Instruction (11-06-2023)
IHAMA - Teaching About Alcohol, Drug and Tobacco (Adopted 11-06-2023)
IHAMB - Teaching About Self-Protection (Adopted 06-16-2008)
IHAN - Driver Education (Adopted 11-04-19)
IHAO - Environmental Education (Adopted 10-02-2000)
IHAQ - Occupational Education (Adopted 10-02-2000)  
IHAQ-R - Occupational Education Regulations (Adopted 10-02-2000)
IHBA - Programs for Pupils With Disabilities (Adopted 02-20-2023)
IHBAA - Determination of Eligibility of Specific Learning Disability (Adopted 11-06-2023)
IHBB - Programs for Gifted Pupils (Adopted 10-02-2000)
IHBBA - Limited English Proficiency Instruction (Reviewed 05-11-2009)
IHBBA-R - Parent Notification Form (Reviewed 05-11-2009) 
IHBCA - Pregnant Students (Adopted 04-17-2017)
IHBF - Homebound Instruction (Adopted 10-02-2000)
IHBG - Home Education Instruction (Adopted 03-20-2023)
IHBH - Extended Learning Opportunities (Reviewed 02-13-2023)
IHCA - Summer Activities (Adopted 06-16-2008)
IHCD - Advanced College Placement (Adopted 05-21-2018)
IIB - Class Size-Instructional Groups (Adopted 11-01-2021)
IJ - Instructional Materials (Adopted 03-16-2009)
IJ-R - Use of Videotapes and Other Media Regulations (Adopted 03-16-2009)
IJJ - Textbook Selection and Adoption (Adopted 10-02-2000)
IJL - Library Instructional Material (Adopted 10-02-2000)
IJL-R - Library Materials Selection and Adoption-Reconsideration (Adopted 10-02-2000)
IJLA - Maintenance and Control of Instructional Materials (Adopted 03-20-2000)
IJO-KA - School, Community and Home Relations (Adopted 06/15/2015)
IJOC - Volunteers (Adopted 02-15-2010)
IJOA - Field Trip Request Form (Adopted 12-13-2010)
IJOA - Field Trips and Excursion (Adopted 12-13-2010)
IJOC-R - Volunteers Regulations (Adopted 06-03-19)
IK - Earning of Credit (Adopted 03-21-2016)
IKA - Grading System (Adopted 10-02-2000)
IKACA - Parent-Student-Staff Conferences (Adopted 10-02-2000)
IKB - Homework (Adopted 03-16-2009)
IKB-R - Homework Regulations (Adopted 03-16-2009)
IKE - Promotion and Retention of Students (Adopted 03-16-2009)
IKE-R - Promotion and Retention of Students Regulations (Adopted 03-16-2009)
IKF - High School Graduation (Adopted 11-02-2015)
IKFA - Early Graduation (Adopted 11-05-18)
IKFA-R - Early Graduation Regulations (Adopted 11-05-18)
IKG - Awards and Scholarships  (Adopted 10-02-2000)
IL - Evaluation and Curricular Programs (Adopted 03-16-2009)
ILBA - Assessment (Adopted 03-16-2009)
ILBAA - High School Competency Assessments (Adopted 11-02-2015)
ILD - Educational Questionnaires, Surveys and Forms (Adopted 01-22-2024)  
ILD-R - Educational Questionnaires, Surveys and Forms (Adopted 01-22-2024)
IMA - Teaching Methods (Adopted 10-02-2000)
IMAB - Teachers Teaching Their Own Children (Adopted 10-02-2000)
IMAC - Teaching About Religion  (Adopted 05-15-2000)
IMAH - Health Education - Daily Physical Activity  (Reviewed 05-11-2015)
IMB - Teaching About Controversial Issues (Adopted 10-02-2000)
IMBA - Distance Education (Adopted 11-02-2015)
IMBD - High School Credit for 7th/8th Grade Coursework (Adopted 05-20-19)
IMC - Speakers (Adopted 10-02-2000)
IMDA - Patriotic Exercises (Adopted 04-17-2017)
IMDB - Flag Displays (Adopted 10-02-2000)
IMDB-R - Flag Displays Regulations (Adopted 10-15-1990)
IMG - Animals in School (Adopted 03-18-2024)
IMGA - Service Animals in Schools (Adopted 11-06-2023)

J. Students 

JBAA - Sexual Harassment and Violence - Students (Reviewed 05-10-2021)
JCA - Change of Class or School Assignment Best Interests and Manifest Education Hardship (Adopted 11-06-2023)
JEB - Age of Entrance (Adopted 02/20/2023)
JFAA - Admission of Resident Students (Adopted 06-18-2018)
JFAB - Admission of Non-Resident Students (Adopted 12-19-2022)
JFABB - Foreign Exchange Students (Adopted 11-02-2009)
JFABD - Admission of Homeless Students (Reviewed 05-11-2015)
JFAM - Education of Military Children and Military Connected Children (Adopted 06/19/2023)
JFD - Admission of Post-Secondary Students (Adopted 11-05-2000)
JG - Assignment of Students to Classes and Grade Levels (Adopted 02-03-2014)
JH - Attendance Absenteeism and Truancy (Adopted 11-07-2022)
JHC -Student Release Precautions (Adopted 05-21-2001)
JHCB - Released Time for Religious Instruction (Adopted 11-06-2000)
JI - Student Rights and Responsibilities (Adopted 12-20-2021)
JIB - Student Involvement in Decision-Making (Adopted 11-02-2009)
JIB-R - Student Involvement in Decision-Making (Adopted 06-15-2009)
JIBA - Student Government (Adopted 11-06-2000)
JIC -Student Conduct (Adopted 03-07-2022)
JICA - Student Dress Code (Reviewed 05-12-2008)
JICA-R - Student Dress Code (Reviewed 05-12-2008)
JICB - Care of School Property by Students (Adopted 11-06-2000)
JICC - Student Conduct on School Buses (Adopted 11-06-2000)
JICC-R - Student Conduct on School Buses Regulations (Adopted 11-06-2000)
JICD - Student Conduct, Discipline and Due Process (Reviewed 06-19-2023)
JICE - Student Publications (Reviewed 05-10-2010)
JICE-R - Student Publications Regulations (Reviewed 05-10-2010)
JICFA - Hazing (Reviewed 05-11-2015)
JICG - Tobacco Products Ban (Adopted 12-15-2003)
JICH - Student Drug-Alcohol Abuse (Adopted 06-18-2001)
JICI - Dangerous Weapons on School Property (Adopted 02-20-2023)
JICI-R - Weapons Expulsion Regulations (Reviewed 01-13-2023)
JICK - Pupil Safety and Violence Prevention Policy-Bullying (Adopted 12-19-2022)
JICK-R Pupil Safety and Violence Prevention Investigation Form (Adopted 01-13-2023)
JICL - Student Use of Computers (Adopted 06-05-2023)
JICL-F School District Networks and Internet Access for Students (Adopted 06-05-2023)
JICL-R Student Use of Computers (Adopted 03-18-2024)
JII - Student Complaints and Grievances (Adopted 04-20-2015)
JJ - Co-Curricular and Extra-Curricular Programs (Adopted 09-11-2023)
JJA - Student Activities & Organizations (Adopted 06/05/2023)
JJB - Student Social Events (Adopted 10-02-2000)
JJC - Student Performances (Adopted 10-02-2000)
JJD-DBD-GBEE - Online Fundraising and Solicitations-Crowdfunding (Adopted 05-20-2019)
JJE - Student Fund Raising Activities (Adopted 10-02-2000)
JJF-DIF - Student Activity Funds Management (Adopted 05-20-2019)
JJG - Competition for Students (Adopted 06-05-2023)
JJG-R - Competition for Students Regulations (Adopted 06/05/2023)
JJIB - Interscholastic Athletics (Adopted 02-18-2019)
JJIF - Guidelines for Proper Sportsmanship (Adopted 01-22-2007)
JJJ - Access to Public School Programs by Nonpublic Charter and Home School Pupils (Adopted 03-20-2023)
JKA - Corporal Punishment (Adopted 11-06-2000)
JKAA - Use of Restraint, Seclusion, and Physical Contact (Adopted 11-20-2017)
JKB - Detention of Students (Adopted 06-18-2001)
JKD-JKE - Long Term Suspension or Student Expulsion (Adopted 06-18-2001)
JLA - Student Insurance Program (Adopted 12-15-2003)
JLC - School Health Services (Adopted 03-16-2009)
JLCA - Physical Examinations of Students (06-05-2023)
JLCA-F Family Physicians Report (Adopted 06-05-2023)
JLCB - Immunizations of Students (Adopted 06-19-2023)

JLCC - Communicable Diseases (Adopted 08-05-2013)
JLCD - Administering Medicines to Students (Adopted 06-19-2017)
JLCD-R - Administering Medicines to Students Reg. (Adopted 06-19-2017)
JLCE - First Aid and Emergency Medical Care - Student Accidents and Accident Report (Adopted 01-22-2024)  
JLCF - District Wellness (Adopted 05-06-2024)
JLCG - Exclusion of Students from School for Illness (Adopted 06-05-2023)
JLCH - Do Not Resuscitate Orders (Adopted 04-07-2008)
JLCJ - Concussion and Head Injuries (Adopted 11-07-2022)
JLCJA - Emergency Plan for Sports Related Injuries - Additional Protocol (Adopted 11-07-2022)
JLDBB - Suicide Prevention and Response (Adopted 03-20-2023)
JLDBB-1 - Suicide Prevention and Response Plan (Reviewed 02-13-2023)
JLF - Reporting Suspected Child Abuse and or Neglect (Reviewed 05-11-2015)
JLF-R - Reporting Suspected Child Abuse and or Neglect Regulations (Adopted 04-20-2015)
JLIA - Supervision of Students (Adopted 11-06-2000)
JLIE - Student Automobile Use (Adopted 11-06-2000)
JM - Student Awards (Adopted 11-06-2000)
JO - Employment of Students (Adopted 11-06-2000)
JP - Student Gifts and Solicitations (Adopted 11-06-2000)
JQ - Student Fees, Fines, and Charges (Adopted 11-01-2021)
JRA - Student Records and Access (Adopted 06-19-2003)
JRA-F Forms - F-1, F-2, F-3 (Adopted 06-19-2023)

K. School, Community - Home Relations 

KA-IJO - School, Community and Home Relations (Adopted 06-15-2015)
KB - Title I Parent Involvement in Education (Adopted 01-22-2007) 
KBA - Family Involvement Policy (Adopted 10-21-2002)
KBA-R - Family-School Compact (Adopted 10-21-2002)
KCB - Community Involvement in Decision-Making (Adopted 10-15-2001)
KCD - Public Gifts to the Schools (Adopted 10-15-2001)
KD - School District Social Media Websites (Adopted 05-16-2022)
KD-R School District Social Media Websites Reg (Adopted 05-16-2022)
KE - Public Complaints (Adopted 03-15-2010)
KEA - Complaints About School Policies (Adopted 10-15-2001)
KEB - Complaints About School Personnel (Adopted 03-15-2010)
KED - Public Complaints About Facilities or Services-Grievance Procedure-Sect 504 (Adopted 10-15-2001)
KF - Community Use of School Facilities Policy - (Adopted 04-15-2019)
KF-R - Use of School Facilities Regulations - Effective 01-01-2024 (Adopted 12/18/2023)
KFA - Public Conduct on School Property School Activities (Adopted 10-14-2001)

KH - Public Solicitations in the School (Adopted 10-15-2001)
KHB - Advertising in the Schools (Adopted 10-15-2001)
KHD - Sales Calls and Demonstrations in School (Adopted 12-20-1999)
KI - Visitors to the School (Adopted 10-15-2001)
KJ - Parent Organizations and Booster Clubs (08-29-2022)
KJ-R - Relations with Parent Organizations and Booster Clubs Regulations (08-29-2022)
KL - Relations With The Governmental Authorities (Adopted 10-15-2001)
KLE - Relations With Health and Welfare Authorities (Adopted 10-15-2001)
KLF - Relations With Recreation Authorities (Adopted 10-15-2001)
KLG - Relations With Police Authorities and Fire Dept. (Adopted 11-20-2017)
KLJ - Relations With Planning Authorities (Adopted 10-15-2001)
KLK - Relations With Local Government Authorities (Adopted 10-15-2001)
KLL - Relations With State Government Authorities (Adopted 10-15-2001)