Dear Maple Avenue Families,
Please utilize this website to browse through our school resources. The Parent/Guardian School Handbook can be found by clicking Publications. This document provides valuable information regarding school operations and answers the frequently asked questions. Cubby’s Corner is our weekly school newsletter. Families that provide their email address to the school office receive an electronic copy of this weekly newsletter via email. Also, each classroom teacher’s email can be accessed by clicking the Faculty/Staff link and clicking their name. These are just a few examples of the information that can be found on our website. If you prefer to talk to someone, feel free to call our Main Office and a staff member can help answer questions or clarify information.
A strong partnership between the school and families is essential to a successful education. Open lines of communication between students, families, and school staff is imperative to the appropriate development of the social and academic skills of our students. Please contact your student’s teacher, counselor, or administrator with any questions or concerns.
At Maple Avenue, students will learn and grow in an environment where they feel happy, safe, and valued. Thank you in advance for your part in making our elementary school a great place to learn.
Bill Demers, Principal
Spring 2025 Statewide Testing Information for Maple Avenue Elementary School:
Students in grades three and four will be participating in the Statewide Assessment System (SAS) summative assessments this spring. Please read the linked letter from the Superintendent regarding SAS assessment information and federal and state requirements: State Assessment Parent Notification 24-25.pdf. The classroom teachers will provide the specific dates and details of testing for your child. Please watch for this information through the classroom newsletters you receive.
In general, here are our testing dates:
English Language Arts | April 1 – April 11, 2025 |
Writing | April 14 – 18, 2025 |
Mathematics | April 21 – 25, 2025 |
Please see the youtube video below for a
change to the traffic pattern of Maple Ave.
With the change in traffic pattern, only buses will be allowed to turn from Elm Street onto Maple Avenue between 7:55am – 8:40am and 2:15pm – 3:45pm. Parents and guardians dropping off or picking up students will use the small driveway in the front of the building and turn left into this driveway. Please stay in your car when dropping off and picking up your children. For more details, please read Cubby’s Corner or call Maple Avenue at 497-3330.
Maple Avenue is a place where understanding and compassion are cultivated. We use each day to make a positive difference in the lives of children, parents, staff, and the community. By working collaboratively, we strive to create life-long, self-directed learners. At our school, students learn and grow in an environment where they feel happy, safe, and valued.